- 玻 glass
- 溅镀铭板表面耐刮伤,强度够,金属质感佳的特性,广泛用于手机,数位相机的LENS面板上,最佳的选择。 Sputtering name plate can stand the character of scratch and strength, fine metallic sense, so it is widely used in the LENS panel of cell phones and digital cameras.
- 载玻片 glass slide
- 目的探讨直角边缘人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)预防后囊膜混浊(posteri-or capsule opacification,PCO)的作用。 Objective To evaluate the effect of sharp-edged intraocular lens (IOL) on posterior capsule opacification(PCO).
- 玻片 slide
- 盖玻片 microscopic glass
- 玻利瓦尔 bolivar
- 玻化 vitrification
- 玻尿酸酵素 hyaluronidase
- 玻色子 boson
- 玻壳 glass envelope
- 玻尔 Bohr
- W玻色子 W boson
- 凹玻片 concavity slide
- 靶玻片 target glass
- 半玻化陶器 siliceous earthenware
- 凹载玻片 concavity slide
- 中间玻色子 intermediate boson
- 凹窝载玻片 hollow glass
- 半玻化的 semi-vitrified